Promote your business in Treasure Coast Business Magazine or in the weekly Treasure Coast Business enewsletter

Advertising Deadlines | Editorial Calendar

Treasure Coast Business is a publication of Indian River Media Group Inc., 308 Ave. A, Fort Pierce, FL 34950. Treasure Coast Business magazine publishes four times a year. To advertise fill out the form below.

Treasure Coast Business Magazine Advertising Agreement

Questions marked by * are required.
Your name: *
Email: *
Your Phone number:
Name of Business:
Size of Print Ad:

  • Quarter page $495
  • Half Page $695
  • Full page $1,295
  • Page 1 $1,900
  • Front Inside Cover $1,900
  • Back Inside Cover $1,595
  • Pages 2-13 $1,395
  • Back Cover $2,800
  • Half-Page Advertorial $795
  • One-Page Advertorial $1,395
  • Two-Pages $1,995
  • Two-Page Advertorial $2,350
  • Three Pages $2,900
  • Four Pages $3,800
  • Business Profile Full Page $1,550
  • Business Profile Two-Page Spread $2,790
Digital Ad:

  • Item or Press Release Post Treasure Coast Business e-newsletter, $100 per week
  • 970 x 250 px Email Banner Ad with link Treasure Coast Business e-newsletter, $125 per newsletter
I agree to advertise in the quantity checked above and represent that my business will be responsible for payment. If credit is extended to me, I understand that failure to pay for my advertisement within 30 days of billing could result in an 18 percent annual interest rate and payment of collection, court and attorney fees. I understand the most recent relevant ad will be used when good faith efforts to contact advertiser are unsuccessful. To cover the added expense for credit card processing fees a 3% handling charge will be added to the final invoice when payment by credit card is chosen. *

Ad design

  • My business or ad agency will design my ad. Please send me the specifications for sizes.
  • I want Indian River Media to design my ad for free.
Do you currently work with an Indian River Media representative? If so, who?
Other publications? I am interested in advertising in other Indian River Media publications and receiving a discount. Please forward me a proposal.

  • Yes
  • No

Questions or concerns, call 772.466.3346.